Fifteenth International Conference on Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology


Invited Speakers

Invited Speakers  

Dr Russell Ross, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 
Keynote lecture: Drug Delivery with Nanostructured Surfaced Microneedles Fabricated with the Assistance of NIL

Prof Stella W. Pang, City University of Hong Kong
Tutorial LectureNIL Technology for Life Science Applications

Prof Hella-Christin Scheer, University of Wuppertal
Tutorial Lecture: The role of geometry parameters in nanoimprint

Prof Anders Kristensen, DTU – Technical University of Denmark
Invited talk: Overview on NIL applications for structural Colors 

Dr Antonio Ambrosio, Harvard University,
Keynote Lecture: Planar Photonics with metasurfaces

Dr. Jin Choi, Canon,
Invited Talk: New NIL processes

Dr. Stefan Landis, CEA,
Invited Talk: Assessment of the HERCULES platform through metrology, defectivity and overlay analysis

Dr. Marc Verschuuren, Philips,
Invited Talk: SCIL high volume tooling – first experiences

Dr. Dieter Nees, Joanneum,
Invited Talk: Roll-to-roll pilot line for large-scale manufacturing of microfluidic devices and the EU H2020 project R2R biofluidics

Dr. Stephen Chou, Princeton,
Invited Talk: New NIL processes